True Viking Finance: Purpose and Principals

I was recently offered guidance to uncover my Enterprise Philosophy and the Purpose and Principles behind my business. I was intrigued and surprised and since I’m asking you for referrals and introductions it’s only fair that I share the results.

After a long career of lending to business owners I find myself uniquely positioned to help a lot of them borrow better. I’ve been involved with many success stories but I’ve also been witness to too many disappointing failures. My purpose now is to help more business owners become successful.

Every business is unique and every situation is different so I will only start a relationship after a conversation.  The right questions have to be asked and answered and listened to.  The truth is vitally important to implementing the best solution.

When business owners understand what all their options are they make better decisions and more importantly avoid bad ones.  I try to help them understand what those options are and how they work.  If they like I can introduce them to lenders and help them get a fair offer.

Business owners need help in both good and bad times and if a business is viable then I will try to find a way to finance it.  I stick with my clients until they don’t need me and if I don’t have the answer then I introduce them to someone who might.    

Thank you Spencer Pallone for an interesting exercise that helped me articulate what I’ve been trying to say all along.  I think every business owner should contemplate doing the same at some point.   Check out when that time comes.