What it Takes for a Business to Succeed

Over the years I have worked with hundreds of business owners and here is what I’ve noticed about the most successful ones: Sales: The owner is or was the best salesperson. There is a team and processes to manage the bulk of the work which is monitored closely. They understand the close relationship between price […]
Business Finance Guide vs Commercial Loan Broker
Look up “business finance” on the internet and you will find Commercial Loan Brokers (CLB’s) all offering the same thing, a one stop solution for every kind of business financing need. Offers include quick fundings with low rates requiring very little information which is impossible. The temptation to click is too great for those in […]
Business Development vs Sales in the World of Business Finance
Imagine a world where the internet is the only place for business owners to get information about financing. All they would see is “low rates, easy qualifying and quick payouts” and “click here”. Everyone knows it’s all lies but apparently okay to say because it’s just Sales. Businesses development on the other hand takes time and any […]